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State Resource Centre: Innovative Infrastructure Finance, Financing and Deliveryfigcaption

State Resource Centre: Innovative Infrastructure Finance, Financing and Deliveryfigcaption

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Governors across the country are exploring the use of alternative infrastructure delivery models and innovative funding and financing approaches to deploy a wide range of infrastructure projects in their states and territories. As funds begin to flow from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), CHIPS and Science Act and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), innovative delivery and funding/financing models can be leveraged to accelerate projects, reduce costs, enhance delivery timeframes, and free public resources for other priorities and projects. 

The NGA has created this resources hub to provide information to assist with building capacity in these areas. This page explores a range of tools available that Governors and their staff may want to explore further to deliver infrastructure projects.  

Infrastructure Insights

We have collated resources from NGA partners to assist Governors and their staff with implementing the IIJA. These resources leverage the expertise of NGA partners to provide insights to assist with delivering specific program areas and cross-program tools and best practices.

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